For my first approach to data journalism I tried to find the community that is working on this field. In my opinion, the best way to learn any subject is to look what the experts are doing and imitate them. Once you know the basics you can be innovative.

After my first mapping of the community, these are the 10 useful Twitter lists about data journalism I’ve found.

1. Data visualization curated by @BrianBBrian Best data compilation!

This is a really interesting list. It indexes 426 accounts related with data visualization from different fields, so it’s not just about journalism. You can find professionals specialized in infographics, design, political science or statistics.

2. Datajournalists curated by @marshallk

This list is focused on data journalists around the world in spite of it was created in the US There are individual journalists and online media profiles.

3. Data miners curated by @DataMinerUK

This list combines data journalists with software developers, mainly from the UK and the US.

4. Datajouranlism-OpenGov curated by @lorz

Here you can find data journalists from Germany and other European countries.

5. Open-govt curated by @GOVworld Best Open-Gov list!

This list is very useful for data journalists. Here you can find the official Twitter open data accounts from governments and public agencies around the world. It is based on the US, but it is also very useful for professionals from the UK.

6. Govdata curated by @datastore

This list was created by The Guardian and it indexes some government accounts that you can’t find in the previous list.

7. Open-data curated by @Thayer

This list is focused on open data activists. Be in touch with this people is really useful if you want to find sources for you stories.

8. Open data open access curated by @gmcmahon

This is also an open data list but her you can find basically librarians from Ireland and the UK.

9. Data visualization curated by @LawrenceHecht

Specialized in visualization, infographics and software

10. Data visualization by @MetaThis Best data visualization compilation!

A list with some of the best professionals specialized in visualization and infographics.

I wish you find this post interesting. Do you other lists that should be included?